27 Sep 2022

Event flexibility is here to stay

Over the past three years, we’ve all swiftly adapted to lockdowns and isolation, staying connected and operational via technology.  Although a difficult time, the positive outcome is that we now have business event flexibility at our fingertips.

In person events are returning in force, yet online events are here to stay.

For example, Primary’s Tech Team recently managed Zebra Technologies successful 2.5-hour, online event, for 250 Zebra and employees. This involved live engagement via social media and online presentations. This approach was extremely effective, ensuring cost-effectiveness. Post event feedback also showed high engagement with positive feedback.

Online events have the advantage that no physical location is needed, and if organised well, more people can participate, especially when they are unable to travel. Convenience is the major factor. However, ineffective online events can lose on personal engagement as people can just sit back and be quiet online.

As life returns to normal, many events are going hybrid, where a meeting or event will have its physical aspect for those attending, and an online methodology that lets other people engage via visual links and other methods.

Fortunately, Primary can help you find your path no matter how you want to structure your event. The key is being clear on event objectives, budget, and ROI, before choosing the event format that’s right for the job. You can keep it simple and effective or go for the bells and whistles of break-out rooms, merchandise, online games, live questions with video, and more.

So, if you’re thinking about holding an event to promote your brand, always brainstorm fully first and listen to the advice!

Sharon Kelly is a Senior Account Manager with Primary Communication