15 Dec 2022
Primary celebrates two PRIA Golden Target awards
Primary celebrates two PRIA Golden Target awards

Primary Comms Group is pleased to be recognised as an industry leader with two awards for the Equaliser campaign for Football Australia at the recent Public Relations Institute of Australia 2022 Golden Target Awards.

In the past two years, Primary has been awarded seven prestigious Golden Target Awards.

The two 2022 awards are:

GOLD in the Public Affairs and Advocacy Campaign category; and

SILVER in the Research / Data-Driven Campaign category.

Primary was also a finalist in four other submissions including:

  • Digital, Social and/or Content campaign
  • Government Sponsored campaign
  • Crisis and Issues management
  • Public Affairs and Advocacy campaign

Primary Comms Group CEO, Chris Hall, said “We are very grateful to work with outstanding clients. We repay their trust by developing great campaigns and this year we were very grateful to receive two Golden Target awards for the Equaliser campaign for Football Australia.”

Football Australia approached Primary in the lead up to the Federal Election to help obtain election commitments that would advance the game. We needed a creative way to cut through the election noise.

Football Australia’s objective is to deliver 50/50 participation parity by 2027.  With the Women’s World Cup being held in Australia and New Zealand in 2023 they were already expecting a 400,000 plus surge in female participation.

The problem is only 35% of facilities are female friendly.

The problem became the opportunity.

Primary conceived and implemented the Equaliser campaign to specifically target election commitments which would deliver an equaliser for female footballers via facility upgrades.

Our strategy was to take this well-known football term and use it to draw attention to the need for investment in Female Friendly Facilities.

The goal of the Equaliser campaign is for all football facilities to be equal, promoting equivalent opportunities of access for both males and females.

This overarching strategic thought guided every part of the campaign from the creative, tactics and execution.

Underpinning our strategy was a new accreditation system whereby Football Australia would begin   accrediting facilities right across Australia every six months.

Facilities that meet criteria are supplied a digital and physical accreditation badge, to show that they meet the required level. To meet the minimum standard a facility must have cubicle toilets, cubicle changing stations and cubicle showers.

This was communicated to every MP and candidate, so they knew which facilities needed an Equaliser in order to meet accreditation. This provided a deadline and a focus for which facilities they needed to upgrade in their local communities.

The campaign was developed by Primary Communication assisted in creative assets by Primary Create.

We were grateful to be joined on the night of the awards by Football Australia’s Chris Rawlinson who flew in from Brisbane.

Check out the Equaliser campaign website.